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Byon, K.K., Yoon, J., Gang, A.C., Park, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (In Press). Pre-post examination of residents’ destination image toward mega event hosting country with strained bilateral relations. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship.


Jiang, S., Choi, J.W., Norris, B., Byon, K., Williams, A.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (In Press). The motivational drivers of sports fans’ athlete live streaming behavior. Journal of Sports Media.


Lee, M.K., Gang, A.C., Kim, D.Y., Yeo, I.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (In Press). The role of emotions in team-licensed merchandise consumption: Examining the relationship among team identification, team performance, emotions, and purchase intention. Journal of Global Sport Management.





Gang, A.C., Lee, J.Y., Griffin, R., & Pedersen, P.M. (In Press). Understanding the outcomes of associational involvement in football fan clubs: Assessing the validity of socialization and selection hypotheses. Leisure Sciences.

Gang, A.C., Griffin, R.B., & Pedersen, P.M. (In Press). Identifying civic opportunity structures within professional football fan clubs. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. OnlineFirst (2023). DOI: 10.1177/01937235231210264


Song, H., Byon, K.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2024). Identifying online sports betting motivations associated with betting intention. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 25(4), 705-731. DOI: 10.1108/IJSMS-06-2023-0131  





Park, J., Cho, J., Gang, A.C., Lee, H.-W., & Pedersen, P.M. (2024). Machine learning prediction of factors affecting Major League Baseball (MLB) game attendance: Algorithm comparisons and macroeconomic factor of unemployment. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 25(2), 382-395. DOI: 10.1108/IJSMS-06-2023-0129

Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., Park, J., Yoo, S.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2023). Mega sport event volunteers: Understanding the role of space in social capital development at the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. Sociology of Sport Journal, 40, 30-39. DOI: 10.1123/ssj.2021-0051


Ratts, T., & Pedersen, P.M. (2023). Evaluating the evaluation: An analysis of how high school athletic directors engage in the performance appraisal process to determine coaching success. International Journal of Sport Management, 24, 1-34.





Roh, S., Byon, K.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2023). Fitness app usage intention: Investigating consumer innovativeness and the Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of Modern Sport Management, 2(2), 1-21.

Zhang, J.C., Byon, K.K., Tsuji, Y., & Pedersen, P.M. (2023). Co-created value influences residents’ support toward the sporting event through the mediating mechanism of gratitude. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(1), 125-147. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2020.1836011

Jones, C.W., Byon, K.K., Williams, A.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2023). Live events and the sport customer: A sport spectator quality-value-behavior model. Journal of Global Sport Management, 8(1), 340-360. DOI: 10.1080/24704067.2020.1846908




Ratts, T., Williams, R., Byon, K.K., Williams, A.S., & Pedersen. P.M. (2023). Evaluating the motivations driving fantasy football participants in selecting individual analysts for information consumption. Journal of Sports Media, 18(1), 127-151.

Lim, N., & Pedersen, P.M. (2022). Examining determinants of sport event attendance: A multilevel analysis of a Major League Baseball season. Journal of Global Sport Management, 7(1), 181-198. DOI: 10.1080/24704067.2018.1537675

Benedek, J.J., Ratts, T., & Pedersen. P.M. (2022). Marketing areas of oversight and organizational elements: A qualitative examination of the marketing of a sport within intercollegiate athletics. International Journal of Sport Management, 23(2), 111-138.

Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2022). An examination of the public’s Twitter usage of Youth Olympic Games and Olympic Games from 2010 to 2016. Journal of Global Sport Management, 7(1), 71-88. DOI: 10.1080/24704067.2018.1537683

Lim, N., Choi, W., & Pedersen, P. M. (2021). Using hierarchical linear analysis to examine attendance determinants in Major League Baseball. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 43(3), 17-30.


Jang, W., Byon, K.K., Williams, A., & Pedersen. P.M. (2021). Augmenting the formation of esports gameplay intention: Interaction effects of genre and gender. Sport, Business, Management: An International Journal, 11(5), 620-646. DOI:

Benedek, J.J., Norris, B., Ratts, T., & Pedersen. P.M. (2021). Goal development and marketing evaluation: A qualitative examination of goals in the marketing of intercollegiate athletics. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 14, 574-598.

Zhang, J. C., Byon, K. K., Tsuji, Y., & Pedersen, P. M. (2020). Co-created value influences residents’ support toward the sporting event through the mediating mechanism of gratitude. European Sport Management Quarterly. DOI:

Kim, K.A., Byon, K.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). Coping as a mediation mechanism between severity of spectator dysfunctional behavior and revisit intention: The moderating effects of self-construal in sport consumption. Journal of Sport Management, 34(1), 38-52.

Hwang, H., Yang, H., Williams, A., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). A gratification model of sport team mobile application usage. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 29, 163-176. DOI: 10.32731/SMQ.293.092020.01

Kang, J., Lim, C., Frederick, E., Yoo, S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). Programming based intervention: A cross-cultural examination of the role of nonviolent mediated sports content on youth aggression reduction. Journal of Sports Media, 15(1), 1-28. DOI: 10.1353/jsm.2020.0004

Brophy-Miles, K., Burch, L.M., Pedersen, Z., Williams, A.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). Examining the use of social networking in the process of recruiting: A content analysis of the usage of Facebook by NCAA Division golf coaches. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 14(3), 229-251.

Suh, Y.I., Pedersen, Z., Lee, S., Williams, A.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). An investigation of the impact of team jersey sponsorship: Examining the moderating role of team identification on brand attitude and buying intention. Global Sport Business Journal, 8(1), 20-32.

Yoon, J., Gang, A., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). Applying network analysis to the social media communication of the Youth Olympic Games and the Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 20(3/4), 249-270. DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2020.110844

Kang, J., Lim, C., Suh, Y., Gang, A., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). Establishing a web-based measurement of aggression (WTCRTT): Examining the validity of a modified Taylor’s Competitive Reaction Time Test. International Journal of Applied Sport Sciences, 32(1), 37-48.

Gang, A., Yoon, J., Park, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). Foreign player turnover in professional football: Identifying the rationale behind the recruitment and release procedures used in the K-League. Sport Management International Journal: Choregia, 16(1), 11-31. DOI: 10.4127/ch.2020.0142

Lee, J.Y., & Pedersen, P.M. (2019). Face-ism in sport communication: Examining professional athletes’ Twitter profile photographs. Global Sport Business Journal, 7(1), 1-18.

Lim, N., Choi, W., & Pedersen, P. M. (2019). Analyzing the relationship between stadium location and attendance: A location modeling of Major League Baseball (MLB). International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 31(1), 70-85. DOI: 10.24985/ijass.2019.31.1.70

Lee, M. K., Potter, R., & Pedersen, P. M. (2019). The effects of emotions on cognitive effort while processing stadium-embedded advertising: A dynamic motivational systems approach. European Sport Management Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2018.1562483

Lee, M. K., Potter, R., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2018). The effectiveness of advertising embedded in televised sport programming: How team performance influences attitude formation. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27(4), 221-235.

Lee, J.Y., & Pedersen, P.M. (2018). The online self-presentation of athletes: An analysis of Twitter profile photographs in the sport industry. Sports Management International Journal Choregia, 14(2), 1-20.

Vooris, R., Lee, J.Y., Clavio, G., & Pedersen, P.M. (2018). From the driver's seat: Fan expectations of IndyCar drivers'; Twitter usage. International Journal of Motorsport Management, 6(1), 1-17.

Lee, S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2018). The influence of video quality on sponsorship effects. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 23(2), 97-114.




Lee, J.K., Ahn, T., Lee, W.N., & Pedersen, P.M. (2017). Managing sports brands in a global consumer market: Country-of-origin fit in cross-border strategic brand alliances. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 39(1), 81-96.

Lee, M., Lee, J.Y., & Pedersen, P.M. (2016). The role of personality in mediated sport communication: An application of the 3M Model to sport event emotional responses. Modern Sport Communication, 2, 84-108.

Reynolds, R.C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2016). Football Bowl Subdivision head football coaches'; contracts: An analysis of contractual clauses in intercollegiate athletics. Global Sport Business Journal, 4(2), 1-24.

Park, J., Suh, Y.I., & Pedersen, P.M. (2016). Examining spectator motivations in Major League Baseball: A comparison between senior and non-senior consumers. Choregia: Sport Management International Journal (SMIJ), 12(2), 19-42.

Lee, M.K., Kim, D.Y., Williams, A.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2016). Investigating the role of sport commentary: An analysis of media consumption behavior and programmatic quality and satisfaction. Journal of Sports Media, 11(11). 145-167.

Walsh, P., Hwang, H., Lim, C.H., & Pedersen, P.M. (2015). Examining the use of professional sport teams as a brand extension strategy in Korean professional baseball. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 24(4), 214-224.

Suh, Y.I., Ahn. T., Lee, J.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2015). Effect of trust and risk on purchase intentions in online secondary ticketing: Sport consumers and ticket reselling. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 37(2), 131-142.


Lee, M.K., Lim, C.H., Yeo, I.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2015). The marketing of an international match in Asia: The effects of sport commentary and nationalistic sentiments on framing, priming, and consumer behavior. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 24(4), 235-245.

Pedersen, P.M. (2014). A commentary on social media research from the perspective of a sport communication journal editor. Communication and Sport Forum: Much ado (or not) about Twitter? Assessing an emergent communication and sport Twitter research agenda. Communication & Sport, 2, 138-142.

Lee, M.K., Ryu, S.Y., Clavio, G., Lovell, M.D., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014). The effect of Twitter on sport fans'; information processing: An analysis of the controversial referee';s decision in the 2012 London Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 15(3/4), 102-119.

Yoon, J., Smith, C., Kim, A., Clavio, G., Witkemper, C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014). Gender effects on sport Twitter consumption: Differences in motivations and constraints. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 6(3), 25-37.


Ahn, T., Suh, Y.I., Lee, J.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014). Understanding purchasing intentions in secondary sports ticket websites. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 16(1), 40-54.


Ahn, T., Suh, Y.I., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014). Sport website interactivity effects: An analysis of the relationships between interactivity, attitudes, and intentions to revisit. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 6(3), 46-69.

In, S., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014). The ubiquitous sport-mediated space: Sport-mediated screens, doubled illusions, and live spectacles in stadia. Global Sport Business Journal, 2(1), 1-13.


Ahn, T., Hong, M., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014). Effects of perceived interactivity and web organization on user attitudes. European Sport Management Quarterly, 14(2), 111-128.


Frederick, E.L., Lim, C., Clavio, G., Pedersen, P.M., & Burch, L.M. (2014). Choosing between the one-way or two-way street: An exploration of relationship promotion by professional athletes on Twitter. Communication & Sport, 2(1), 80-99.


Burch L. M., Clavio, G., Eagleman, A. N., Major, L. H., Pedersen, P.M., Frederick, E. L., & Blaszka, M. (2014). Battle of the sexes: Gender analysis of professional athlete tweets. Global Sport Business Journal, 2(2), 43-62.

Kristiansen, E., Broch, T.B., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014). Negotiating gender in professional soccer: An analysis of female footballers in the United States. Choregia: Sport Management International Journal (SMIJ), 10(1), 5-27.

Pedersen, P.M. (2013). Reflections on communication and sport: On strategic communication and management. Communication & Sport, 1(1/2), 55-67. {Invited & Peer Reviewed}


Ahn, T., Suh, Y.I., Lee, J.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013). Sports fans and their teams’ redesigned logos: An examination of the moderating effect of team identification on attitude and purchase intention of team-logoed merchandise. Journal of Sport Management, 27(1), 11-23.

Brewer, R.M., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013). Predicting the value of NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) programs. International Journal of Sport Management, 14(3), 271-295.


Lim, C., Lee, W., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013). Investigating the moderating role of sport service type and personality on audiences’ emotional responses to hedonic vs. cognitive advertisements. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 23(1), 55-71.


Suh, Y. I., Ahn, T., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013). Examining the effects of team identification, e-service quality, and satisfaction on intention to revisit sport websites. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 14(4).

Brewer, R.M., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013). A method for the financial valuation of National Collegiate Athletic Association Football Bowl Subdivision Programs. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 7(3), 175-195.

Lim, C., Martin, T., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013). Psychological factors associated with motivation of mediated Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) consumption: A structural model of risk taking, aggression, identification, and motivation. International Journal of Sport Management, 14(4), 379-402.

Williams, A.S., Pedersen, P.M., & Walsh, P. (2012). Brand associations in the fitness facility segment of the sports industry in the United States: Examining the relationship between service quality, exercise commitment, brand association, and brand loyalty. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, 14(1), 34-50.

Burch, L.M., Eagleman, A.N., & Pedersen, P.M. (2012). New media coverage of gender in the 2010 Winter Olympics: An examination of online media content. International Journal of Sport Management, 13(2), 1-17.


Lim, C.H., Chung, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2012). The influence of online consumer postings on purchase intentions: Investigating electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) messages and sporting goods. Xophria Choregia: Sport Management International Journal (SMIJ), 8(1), 55-75.


Williams, A.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2012). Investigating antecedents of brand equity in the fitness segment of the sport industry: An exploratory study of the role that direct experiences have on the development of brand associations. International Journal of Sport Management, 13(1), 104-114.

Lim, C., Chung, J., Frederick, E., & Pedersen, P.M. (2012). Investigating the influence of past football experience and perceived football knowledge on attitude, credibility, expertise and trustworthiness, and future search intention. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 6(1).

Wright, C., Eagleman, A., & Pedersen, P.M. (2011). Examining leadership in intercollegiate athletics: A content analysis of the NCAA Division I athletic directors. Choregia (Sport Management International Journal), 7(2), 35-52.

Lee, S.H., & Pedersen, P.M. (2011). Measuring sponsorship effects in intercollegiate sport: An examination of Division I basketball. Journal of Sponsorship, 4(4), 391-401.

Lee, W., Kwak, D., Lim, C., Pedersen, P.M., & Miloch, K.S. (2011). Effects of personality and gender on fantasy game participation: The moderating role of perceived knowledge. Journal of Gambling Studies, 27, 427-441.


Brewer, R.M., Pedersen, P.M., Lim, C., & Clerkin, T. (2011). Examining the value of sport clubs: A cross-sectional intrinsic valuation of NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) football programs. International Journal of Applied Sport Science, 23(2), 351-370.

Vincent, J., Kian, T., & Pedersen, P.M. (2011). Flying the flag: Gender and national identity in english newspapers during 2006 World Cup. Soccer & Society, 12(5), 613-632.


Lee, W., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2011). Investigating cognitive and emotive measures affiliated with advertising extreme sports: An analysis of emotion, attitude, sport involvement, and sport participation intention. Theories & Applications: The International Edition, 1(1), 72-78.

Reynolds, R.C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2011). Severability clauses in high football coaches' contracts. Journal of Contemporary Ahtletics, 5(3), 219-230.


Suh, Y., Lim, C., Kwak, D., & Pedersen, P.M. (2010). Examining the psychological factors associated with involvement in fantasy sports: An analysis of participants' motivations and constraints. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation, & Tourism, 5, 1-28.

Lee, S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2010). The influence of brand exposure frequency and brand familiarity on sport sponsorship effects: An examination of mere exposure. International Journal of Sports Sciences & Physical Education, 1(1), 15-20.

Heo, J., Lee, Y., Pedersen, P.M., & McCormick, B. (2010). Flow experience in the daily lives of older adults: An analysis of the interaction between flow, individual differences, serious leisure, location, and social context. Canadian Journal of Aging, 29(3), 411-423.


Vincent, J., Kian, E.M., Pedersen, P.M., Kuntz, A., & Hill, J.S. (2010). England expects: English newspapers' narratives about the English football team in the 2006 World Cup. International Review for the Sociology of Sport (IRSS), 45(2), 199-223.

Lee, W., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2010). Stress and commitment in sport organization employees: An analysis of the moderating role of stress buffers on job stress and organizational commitment. International Journal of Sport Management (IJSM), 11(2), 227-247.


Heo, J., Lee, Y., McCormick, B., & Pedersen, P.M. (2010). Daily experience of serious leisure, flow and subjective well-being of older adults. Leisure Studies, 29(2), 207-225.

Suh, Y., & Pedersen, P.M. (2010). Participants' service quality perceptions of fantasy sports websites: The relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, attitude, and actual usage. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 19(2), 78-87.

Brewer, R.M., & Pedersen, P.M. (2010). Franchises, value drivers, and the application of valuation analysis to sport sponsorship. Journal of Sponsorship, 3(2), 181-193.

Whisenant, W.A., Pedersen, P.M., & Clavio, G. (2010). Analyzing ethics in the administration of interscholastic sports: Three gender-related ethical dilemmas faced by educational leaders. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 38(1), 107-118.

Pedersen, P.M., Osborne, B., Whisenant, W.A., & Lim, C. (2009). An examination of the perceptions of sexual harassment by newspaper sports journalists. Journal of Sport Management (JSM), 23(3), 335-360.

Pedersen, P.M., Kraft, P.M., Drane, D., & Miloch, K.S. (2009). Sport communication, endorsement, and return on investment: A content analysis of the coverage of Tiger Woods in ESPN The Magazine. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), 6(1), 17-34.

Eagleman, A.N., Pedersen, P.M., & Wharton, R. (2009). The coverage of gender in ESPN The Magazine: An examination of articles and photographs. International Journal of Sport Management (IJSM), 10(2), 226-242.


Lee, S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2009). Commercialization and automobile racing in the United States: A case study of the rise of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR). International Journal of Applied Sports Science (IJASS), 21(2), 76-92.

Yoh, T., Pai, H.T., & Pedersen, P.M. (2009). The influence of socialization agents on the fan loyalty development of Korean teens. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), 6(4), 404-416.

Clavio, G., Kraft, P., & Pedersen, P.M. (2009). Communicating with consumers through video games: An analysis of brand development within the video gaming segment of the sport industry. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship (IJSMS), 10(2), 143-156.

Kian, E.M., Pedersen, P.M., & Vincent, J. (2008). In demand? Examining sport management faculty openings and hires. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 3(2), 129-138.

McNary, E., & Pedersen, P.M. (2008). The written and photographic coverage of sports in a youth magazine: A content analysis of Sports Illustrated for Kids (SIK). The Journal of Youth Sports, 3(3), 9-13.


Pedersen, P.M., Laucella, P., Miloch, K., & Fielding, L. (2007). The juxtaposition of sport and communication: Defining the field of sport communication. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), 2(3), 193-207.

Pedersen, P.M., Fielding, L., & Vincent, J. (2007). A five-year content analysis of academic positions in sport management: Professorial announcements and advertisements from 2001-02 through 2005-06. International Journal of Sport Management (IJSM), 8(4), 447-461.

Pedersen, P.M., Miloch, K.S., Fielding, L., & Clavio, C. (2007). Investigating the coverage provided to males and females in a comparable sport: A content analysis of the written and photographic attention given to interscholastic athletics by the print media. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 22, 97-125.

Yoh, T., Park, M., Pedersen, P.M., & Lee, C. (2007). Commitment to core values and organizational effectiveness: A proposed conceptual model for intercollegiate athletic programs in the United States. International Journal of Sport Management (IJSM), 8(2), 210-225.


Whisenant, W., Vincent, J., Pedersen, P.M., & Zapalac, R. (2007). Examining diversity in high school hiring practices: An analysis of homologous reproduction in interscholastic athletics. Advancing Women in Leadership, 25, 1-9

Miller, J.J., Whisenant, W.A., & Pedersen, P.M. (2007). The communication of opportunities and barriers to prospective applicants: An analysis of interscholastic athletic administrative job announcements. The Physical Educator, 64(2), 73-80.


Clavio, G., & Pedersen, P.M. (2007). Analyzing the connection between the print and broadcast properties of ESPN: An investigation of the alignment of editorial written and photographic coverage in ESPN The Magazine with ESPN's broadcasting rights. International Journal of Sport Management (IJSM), 8(1), 95-114.

Kim, S., Yoo, E., & Pedersen, P.M. (2007). Market segmentation in the K-League: An analysis of spectators of the Korean Professional Soccer League. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship (IJSMS), 8(2), 141-158.

Vincent, J., Pedersen, P.M., Whisenant, W.A., & Massey, D. (2007). Analyzing the print media coverage of professional tennis players: British newspaper narratives about female competitors in the Wimbledon Championships. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), 2(3), 281-300.

Pedersen, P. M., Miloch, K. S., & Cothran, D. J. (2006). Tips for increased exposure and awareness: Getting coverage for your program through enhanced media relations. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 77(7), 10-12, 52.

Miloch, K. & Pedersen, P. M. (2006). Sports information directors and the media: An analysis of a highly symbiotic and professional relationship. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 2(1).


Yoh, T., & Pedersen, P. M. (2006). Assessing satisfaction with graduate sport management programs: An examination of international students' academic contentment. ICHPER-SD Journal of Research, 1(2), 12-18.


Yoh, T., Pedersen, P. M., & Park, M. (2006). Sources of information for purchasing golf clubs: Personal and non-personal references. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship (IJSMS), 7(2), 125-135.


Obenour, W., Patterson, M., Pedersen, P.M., & Pearson, L. (2006). Conceptualization of a meaning-based research approach for tourism service experiences. Tourism Management, 27(1), 34-41.

Yoh, T., & Pedersen, P. M. (2006). Persuaders of athletic shoe purchases: Analyzing the influence of information sources on Korean teenagers. Applied Research in Coaching & Athletics Annual, 21, 155-183.


Pedersen, P. M. & Whisenant, W. A. (2005). Successful when given the opportunity: Investigating gender representation and success rates of interscholastic athletic directors. The Physical Educator, 62 (4), 178-186.

Pedersen, P. M., Schneider, R. G., & Whisenant, W. A. (2005). Analyzing the 2001-02 sport management faculty openings. International Journal of Sport Management, 6 (2), 154-164.


Pitts, B. G. & Pedersen, P. M. (2005). Examining the body of scholarship in sport management: A content analysis of the Journal of Sport Management. Sport Management and Related Topics Journal, 2 (1), 33-52.


Yoh, T., & Pedersen, P. M. (2006). Assessing satisfaction with graduate sport management programs: An examination of international students' academic contentment. ICHPER-SD Journal of Research, 1 (2), 12-18.

Whisenant, W., Miller, J., & Pedersen P. M. (2005). Systemic barriers in athletic administration: An analysis of job descriptions for interscholastic athletic directors. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 53 (11/12), 911-919.

Miloch, K., Pedersen, P. M., Smucker, M. K., & Whisenant, W. A. (2005). The current state of women print journalists: An analysis of the status and careers of females in newspaper sports departments. Public Organization Review: A Global Journal, 5 (3), 219-231.


Whisenant, W. A., Pedersen, P. M., & Smucker, M. K. (2004). Referent selection: How the women in sport journalism shape their perceptions of job satisfaction. Journal of Sport Management, 18 (4), 368-382.

Schneider, R. G. & Pedersen, P. M. (2004). Intercollegiate student-athletes-perceptions of equity: Are student-athletes adequately rewarded? The International Journal of Sport Management, 5 (1), 11-26.

Whisenant, W. A. & Pedersen, P. M. (2004). Traditional managerial activities and interscholastic athletic directors. Public Organization Review: A Global Journal, 4 (1), 75-84.


Whisenant, W. A. & Pedersen, P. M. (2004). The influence of managerial activities on the success of intercollegiate athletic directors. American Business Review, 22 (1), 21-26.

Whisenant, W. A. & Pedersen, P. M. (2004). Analyzing attitudes regarding quantity and quality of sports page coverage: Athletic director perceptions of newspaper coverage given to interscholastic sports. International Sports Journal, 8 (1), 54-64.

Pedersen, P. M. & Schneider, R. G. (2003). Investigating the academic openings in sport management: An analysis of the field's professorial position announcements and hires. International Sports Journal, 7 (1), 35-47.

Pedersen, P. M., Whisenant, W. A., & Schneider, R. G. (2003). Using a content analysis to examine the gendering of sports newspaper personnel and their coverage. Journal of Sport Management, 17 (4), 376-393.

Pedersen, P. M. & Whisenant, W. A. (2003). Examining stereotypical written and photographic reporting on the sports page: An analysis of newspaper coverage of interscholastic athletics. Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal, 12 (1), 67-86.

Mondello, M. & Pedersen, P. M. (2003). Investigating the body of knowledge: A content analysis of the Journal of Sports Economics. Journal of Sports Economics, 4 (1), 64-73.

Smucker, M. K., Whisenant, W. A., & Pedersen, P. M. (2003). An investigation of job satisfaction and female sports journalists. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 49 (7/8), 401-407.


Letawsky, N. R., Schneider, R. G., Pedersen, P. M., & Palmer, C. J. (2003). Factors influencing the college selection process of student-athletes: Are their factors similar to non-athletes? College Student Journal, 37 (4), 604-610.

Pedersen, P. M. (2002). Examining equity in newspaper photographs: A content analysis of the print media photographic coverage of interscholastic athletics. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 37 (3/4), 303-318.

Whisenant, W. A., Pedersen, P. M., & Obenour, W. L. (2002). Success and gender: Determining the rate of advancement for intercollegiate athletic directors. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 47 (9/10), 485-491.

Smucker, M., Pedersen, P. M., & Slattery, J. (2002). The flip side of leadership: Followership within intercollegiate athletics. The International Journal of Sport Management, 3 (4), 308-325.

Whisenant, W. A. & Pedersen, P. M. (2002). Levels of behavioral engagement: A comparative study of athletic directors and entrepreneurs. The International Journal of Sport Management, 3 (2), 147-159.

Pedersen, P. M. (2002). Investigating interscholastic equity on the sports page: A content analysis of high school athletics newspaper articles. Sociology of Sport Journal, 19 (4), 419-432.

Kristiansen, E., Abrahamsen, F.E., & Pedersen, P.M. (2017). Media behavior. In C. Wagstaff (Ed.), The Organizational Psychology of Sport: Key Issues and Practical Applications (pp. 193-213). London: Routledge.

Pedersen, P.M. (2016). Examining equity in newspaper photographs: A content analysis of the print media photographic coverage of interscholastic athletics. In R. Boyle (Ed.), Sport and communication (Volume 2). London: Sage. {Reprint}

Pedersen, P.M. (2016/2014). The changing role of sports media producers. A.C. Billings & M. Hardin (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Sport and New Media (pp. 101-109). London, UK: Routledge.

Pedersen, P.M., Burch, L., Eagleman, A., & Yoon, J. (2015/2014). Media coverage and organizational publicity of the Youth Olympic Games. Hanstad, D.V., Parent, M.M., & Houlihan, B. (Eds.), The Youth Olympic Games. (pp. 159-176). London, UK: Routledge.

Pedersen, P.M. (2015). Interview with Josh Rawitch, Senior Vice President of Communications, Arizona Diamondbacks (Major League Baseball). International Journal of Sport Communication, 8(2), 155-159.

Pedersen, P.M. (2015). [Review of book Sponsorship in marketing: Effective communication through sports, arts and events]. International Journal of Sport Communication, 8(1), 127-128.

Pedersen, P.M. (2014). [Review of book The Comprehensive Guide to Careers in Sports]. International Journal of Sport Communication, 7(3), 417-419.

Pedersen, P.M. (2013). Communication research and the sport industry: An analysis of sport communication scholarship and scholars. Global Sport Business Journal, 1(1), 81.

Pedersen, P.M. (2013). [Review of book Sport Management]. International Journal of Sport Communication, 6(4), 490-491.

Clavio, G., Bowles, J., Vooris, R., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013). The integration of social media and sport: Perspectives and examples from the United States. In A. Hebbel-Seeger & T. Horky (Eds.), International Symposium on Sport & Economics: Sports, Journalism, & Social Media (pp. 59-72). Aachen, Germany: Meyer & Meyer-Verlag.

Pedersen, P.M. (2012). [Review of book Media relations in sport]. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure & Events, 4(3), 383-385.

Kian, E.M., Pedersen, P.M., & Vincent, J. (2011). In demand? Examining sport management faculty openings and hires. In J.A. Moreli & O.D. Velez (Eds.), Coaching and management techniques in athletics (pp. 125-134). New York: Nova Science.

Pedersen, P.M. (2011). Denver Broncos. In L.E. Swayne & J.G. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of sports management and marketing (pp. 375-377). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Pedersen, P.M. (2011). [Review of book Observing sport: Modern system theoretical approaches]. International Journal of Sport Communication, 4(1), 118-210.

Pedersen, P.M., & Rodenberg, R.M. (2010). American Needle v. NFL vis-à-vis the Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961. Sports Litigation Alert, 7(3).

Pedersen, P.M., Laucella, P., Miloch, K., & Fielding, L. (2009). The juxtaposition of sport and communication: Defining the field of sport communication. In J. Nauright & S. Pope (Eds.), The new sport management reader (pp. 429-444). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.

Pedersen, P.M. (2009). In profile. In J. Skinner & A. Edwards, Qualitative research in sport management (p. 146). Burlington, MA: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.

Pedersen, P.M. (2008). To close or not to close: Press relations and locker room accessibility in sports. In S. Chadwick & D. Arthur (Eds.), International cases in the business of sport (pp. 243-256). Burlington, MA: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.

Clavio, G., Geurin, A., Miloch, K.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2007). Communicating in crisis: A case study of media management and its marketing implications (pp. 15-27). Sport Marketing Association (SMA) 4th Annual Conference Book of Papers. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.

Eagleman, A.N., & Pedersen, P.M. (2007). Female athletes in (and out of) print. Women's Sports Foundation.

Whisenant, W.A., Pedersen, P.M., & Obenour, W.L. (2006). Success and gender: Determining the rate of advancement for intercollegiate athletic directors. In S. Guthrie, M. Magyar, A.,


Wrynn, & A.F., Maliszewski (Eds.), Women, sport and physical activity: Challenges and triumphs (pp. 143-152). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt. {Reprint of Whisenant, Pedersen, & Obenour, 2002}

Pedersen, P.M. (2006). Tampa Bay Devil Rays. In S. Riess (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Major League Baseball Clubs. Volume 2. The American League (pp. 815-824). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Pedersen, P.M. (2006). Sport and the media. Social issues in sport briefings interview series (CD ROM). College Station, TX: Sport Management Insights.

Pedersen, P.M. (2006). An analysis of sport industry and sport communication market trends and employment opportunities in the United States (pp. 35-46). ASPESD (Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport, and Dance) International Sport Industry Seminar. Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show. COEX: Seoul, South Korea.

Pedersen, P.M., Whisenant, W.A., & Clement, A. (2003). Methodology for examining stereotypical written and photographic reporting on the sports page. Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal, 12(2), 147-149.

Pedersen, P.M. (2002). [Review of book ESPN: The uncensored history]. Sociology of Sport Journal, 19(4), 434-437.

Pedersen, P.M. (2001). [Review of book Controversies of the sports world]. Sociology of Sport Journal, 18(2), 257-259.

Clement, A., & Pedersen, P.M. (2001). Legal Issues: The Role of Athletes and Agents. In D. Kluka & G. Schilling (Eds.), Perspectives: The multidisciplinary series of physical education and sport sciences. Volume 3. The Business of sport (pp. 143-164). Oxford, UK: Meyer & Meyer Sport.

Pedersen, P.M. (2000). [Review of book Unpaid professionals: Commercialism & conflict in big-time college sports]. Journal of Sport Management, 14(4), 366-368.

Moses, G.L., & Pedersen, P.M. (1999). Litigation involving the National Collegiate Athletics Association (pp. 41-68). Are There Any Billable Hours in Nonprofit Sports? We Will Show You the Money. San Francisco: American Bar Association Section of Business Law.

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